Get Up Nation®! My name is Ben Biddick. I’m the Creator and Host of the Get Up Nation® Show and Co-Author of Get Up: The Art of Perseverance with former Major League Baseball player Adam Greenberg. Recently I had the honor and privilege of speaking with Dr. Jeffrey Magee. Dr. Magee is a Global Talent Development Expert, a Leadership and Management Strategist, and Best-Selling Author. If you’re looking for credentials, Dr. Magee has them. He’s a Certified Management Consultant (CMC), Certified Board Executive (CBE), Certified Professional Direct Marketer (PDM) & Certified Speaking Professional (CSP). He has been recognized as one of the “Ten Outstanding Young Americans” (TOYA) by the U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce, twice selected to represent the United States at the World Congress as a Leadership Speaker (Cannes, France & Vienna, Austria). 3-term President of the Oklahoma & Las Vegas Chapter's of the National Speakers Association (NSA), and an SBA Entrepreneur of the Year. He's also been honored for his tremendous commitment to service. Dr. Magee served for 4-years as an appointed Civil Service Commissioner (Judge) for the City of Tulsa Oklahoma, before merging his firm for a short time in 2010 with WesternCPE. The United States ARMY National Guard & President George Bush recognized him with the high honor of the "Total Team Victory Award/Citation" for civilian contribution to leadership development with the National Guard. Basically I can’t fit all the amazing achievements Dr. Magee has accomplished in this intro, so go to www.jeffreymagee.com to learn more about the countless ways that Dr. Magee can help you and your organization succeed. Dr. Magee, I am honored to welcome you to Get Up Nation®!
The Get Up Nation® Show is brought to you in partnership with Veteran Owned Got Your Six Coffee! Learn more at www.gotyoursixcoffee.com!
Most episodes of the Get Up Nation® Show are edited and mixed by Daniel Thabet! If you need podcast editing and mixing of the highest quality go to https://www.podcastdoctors.com/
Listen to Dr. Magee’s Episode:
You Tube: https://youtu.be/YParxSADo1w
Anchor: https://bit.ly/2Ti1eZM
Soundcloud: https://bit.ly/2TfUQCE