What Up Get Up Nation? My name is Ben Biddick, the Host of the Get Up Nation Podcast and Co-Author of Get Up: The Art of Perseverance with Adam Greenberg. Today I have the honor and privilege of speaking with Eva Magdalenski AKA DJ Evaa AKA DJ Game Changer AKA Eva Magazine. You may know her from her work at Comedy Works in Denver Colorado, her work with Chelsea Handler on the television show Chelsea Lately and E’s After Lately, or her recent album called 3 Block from Compton. She’s a graduate of the legendary Scratch DJ Academy founded by Run DMC’s Jam Master Jay (www.scratch.com), where she trained with legends like DJ Revolution of LA’s Wake Up Show. She’s unleashing her DJ skills upon the world and describes in this podcast episode her experience performing at Red Rocks for 10,000 people.
She also shares why she’s passionate about supporting an organization called Girls Inc. (https://girlsinc.org/) which inspires “all girls to be strong, smart, and bold.” This organization was founded in 1864 to serve girls and young women who were experiencing upheaval in the aftermath of the Civil War and continues working with schools and communities today to create “safe gathering places for girls to learn and to share in a sisterhood and a strong premise that each girl can develop her own capacities, self- confidence, and grow up healthy, educated, and independent.” DJ Evaaa is an amazing person whose game changing mentality is certain to inspire us all today, especially if we’re struggling or reeling from life circumstances that aren’t going according to our plans. I am so happy to welcome Eva to the Get Up Nation Podcast to hear Eva share her method of remaining resilient, savoring each moment, and helping us all to develop an awareness that when life doesn’t go as planned, it might just be because something even better is making its way to the surface.
This podcast episode concludes with a song by the amazing Karmic called Wake Up. I can’t stop listening to this song. Check out Karmic on Instagram at @thisiskarmic, on Facebook at @thisiskarmic, and Soundcloud, itunes, and any music platform on your mobile device that can get this song onto your next playlist. If you’re committed to developing resilience in your life and refuse to live in fear, shame, doubt, anger, or negativity, this is fuel for the fire within you. Eva, welcome to the Get Up Nation Podcast.
Click here to listen to the podcast episode!
Karmic's Wake Up: https://bit.ly/2Lu0z1H
Karmic's Official Website: https://www.thisiskarmic.com/
Girls Inc. https://girlsinc.org/
Music: "Awaken" by Ethan Rank, "Wake Up" by Karmic, "Dawn" by C3NC
You Tube: https://youtu.be/abdSFFbEf_E
Facebook: @getupnationpodcast @DJEvaaa @DJ Game Changer @thisiskarmic @EVAdinosaur
itunes: apple.co/2xZPeih
Instagram: @getupnationpodcast @evamagazine @thisiskarmic
Twitter: @getupnationpod @DJEvaMagazine
Soundcloud: https://bit.ly/2O2YMlE
iHeart Radio: ihr.fm/2Jr08DU
Stitcher: bit.ly/2yzoklu
Overcast: https://bit.ly/2L4pg8B
Spreaker: bit.ly/2l4pmR3
Acast: bit.ly/2z1P6AM
Buy Get Up at: amzn.to/2rt2lWN